Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mobicents RTSP Stack 1.0.0.BTA1 Released!

We are happy to announce the first version 1.0.0.BETA1 of Mobicents RTSP stack. Mobicents RTSP which is built on top of Netty 3.0.1.GA uses the NIO Socket (TCP). The stack doesn't have any state machine and is neutral to be used either at RTSP Client side or RTSP Server side. The main purpose to have RTSP Stack is to provide RTSP Support for Mobicents Media Server.

As of now only TCP is supported.

Binary (including src) is available at

SVN tag

Look at example code

For Client Side

For Server Side

These are just for understanding on how to initialize the stack.

Any feedback please divert http://groups.google.com/group/mobicents-public/topics

Enjoy the RTSP :)

Mobicents Media Server Team.